Nonprofit Banking Accounts
Nonprofit organizations are at the heart of our communities and have a profound impact on the quality of our lives.
Discover the difference.
As a bank that is deeply rooted in each of the communities that we serve, we understand the unique needs of our nonprofit banking accounts. We provide banking solutions that make it easier for local nonprofits to do the amazing work they do. Helping nonprofits thrive is one way we help the communities we serve. The way we see it, an investment in our community is an investment that can truly make a difference.
Security Bank & Trust Co. has provided services to nonprofit organizations for decades and it's because our board members, our employees, and our shareholders aren't just active, they've been founders in a number of them. Whether your nonprofit needs a checking, money market, term loan, or line of credit to support its mission and to balance inconsistent cash flow; we're here to help you on your journey. Your board can rest easy knowing your organization is in good hands.

Community & Philanthropic Organizations
Community and philanthropic organizations are the backbone of our communities. We help support those that are passionate about making their communities a better place. We can help you achieve your charitable vision and make the most of your gifts. Accept donations electronically to help make bookkeeping a breeze and help ease your cash flow and forecasting with nonprofit banking accounts.
Schools & School Organizations
We love supporting the schools in our communities. Whether it be through sponsorship, donations or banking needs, we thrive on helping our local schools flourish. We know fundraising is an important part of your school activity; which is why we offer free cash and coin counting services to our members to help save time and not take away from the funds you've worked hard to raise.

Ready to get started?

Government Agencies
Government and municipalities have unique banking needs and it's important to have a bank that's willing to work hard to meet them. Security Bank & Trust Co. has been the bank of choice for many over the last several decades. Our expert bankers have a thorough understanding of credit, debt financing, depository and card services. The user experience on our online banking platform allows for user management and authorities, giving proper accounting controls, so you can be efficient and effective.
Religious Organizations
Our knowledge and experience allows us to help religious institutions fulfill their mission, which results in strong, successful relationships. We help make collecting offerings more convenient with our remote deposit service to help save time and money. We also have competitive offerings to help your church, synagogue and all religious organizations remodel or update their existing facilities.
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